Textbook Companion Website

Monday, October 5, 2015


Occasionally, we will have opportunities to respond to prompts on this site.  These prompts should give us some understanding of where we are in the unit in terms of being able to answer the unit question.  There is no prescribed length of response, but you must fully address the prompt to receive credit.  THIS IS A SCORED ACTIVITY!!!

Briefly describe the kinds of information each of the following scans provides about the brain: EEG, CT, PET, MRI, fMRI.  How can this information help us answer the question, "How does BIOLOGY shape behavior?"


  1. EEG gives surface activity.
    CT gives an x-ray.
    PET gives an image based on use of glucose.
    MRI gives an image of the brain tissue.
    fMRI gives blood flow in the brain.
    Seeing the brain gives an idea of what part does what, which can help understand what may be causing behaviors.

    1. FMRI- a blood flow and brian activity

      biology is what made the brain the chemical ractions is what makes us act, crave, want things

      M.C the above post was mine

  2. Pet scans provides visual display of activity in the brain while performing a given task. MRI uses magnetic fields & waves to generate images. Fmri reveals blood flow (brain activity) by comparing mri's. Eeg records waves of electrical activity. Ct Are xray photographs in different angles of the brain. This info can help answer that question by explaining the science behind our actions. -MG

  3. EEG is recording of the waves of electrical activity.
    Ct is x ray pictures of the brain
    Pet maps brain activity
    MIR uses magnetic and radio waves
    FMIR technique used for revealing blood
    this information helps us to answer the question because it gives us information about the brain.

  4. An EGG is recording of the waves of electrical... CT us series of X-Ray pictures of the brain the PET Scan is the visual display of the brain activity...The MRI is a radio wave to produce generated soft tissue in the Brain FMRL is the revealing of the blood flow
    We need to know this informations so we can understand why we want things and how science affect us in our daily life.

  5. EEG scans provide record of brain activity in the form of electrical signals; CT scans photograph the brain from different angles using x-rays, giving an overall image of the brain; PET scans detect glucose radiation while the brain performs a certain task, giving us a picture as to what parts of the brain are used for certain activities and tasks; MRI scans are used to generate images of soft tissue, the brain being one of them; and fMRI scans reveal blood flow and therefore brain activity. This information helps us answer the question "How does biology shape behavior?" by demonstrating things such as what parts of the human body, in this case the brain, are active while certain actions and behaviors are being performed. In essence, we can see what parts of the brain are being used in different behavioral situations.


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  7. EGG scan the recording of the waves of electrical activity;
    CT scan photographs of the brain take from different angles
    PET scan a visual display of the brain activity the detects the presence of the radiated glucose
    MRI scan magnetic fields and radio waves, designed to see soft tissues
    fMRI scan reveal blood flow
    This information helps us answer the question because it gives us information that causes different behavior.

  8. EEG-Electrical activity on brain surface.
    CT-Gives a image of the different regions of the brain.
    PET SCAN- Shows activity of radiated glucose in the brain.
    MRI-Uses radio and magnetic waves to show soft tissue.
    FMIR-Shows the blood flow in different parts of the brain and the changes overtime.
    It tells us where their located(different brain sections), how they look like, how they function when doing different activities, and which section controls what behaviors.

  9. An EEG detects electrical activity on the surface of the brain
    A CT or CAT scan takes x rays of the brain
    A PET scan shows brain activity, or what activities trigger what parts of the brain
    An MRI uses magnetic waves to generate images of soft tissue
    And an fMRI shows blood flow and is another way of showing brain activity
    We need to know this information so we know what helps us learn about the brain which is ultimately the cause of all of our different behaviors.

  10. EEG:
    This helps us answer the question "how does biology shape behavior?" because the scans can show us what part of the brain may have been effected when some gets injured and some part of their behavior changes. -C.H.

    1. EEG: a scan that shows electrical current across the surface of a brain.
      CT: an x-ray of the brain which can also show some sort of soft tissue.
      PET: a scan hat shows the flow of radiated gluscose that is inserted in the brain.
      MRI: a scan that uses a magnetic field to detect soft tissue and it appears on a screen.
      fMRI: a scan that shows the air or blood flow in a brain.

  11. An EEG detects electrical activity on the surface of the brain and can detect where information goes or where activity in the brain occurs when a stimulus is present.The CT scan takes x-rays to examine the brain at different angles, which can detect damage. PET scans detects the presence of radiated glucose while the brain performs a task ("food for thought") and shows active parts. The MRI scan utilizes magnetic fields and atoms to produce images of soft tissues. The fMRI reveals blood flow and can reveal the brain's structure. This information answers the "How does biology shape behavior" by relating processes of the brain in a biological sense as in what is affected in the brain to when something occurs (cause).
    A T

  12. EEG is an amplified recording of electrical activity that sweeps across the brain's surface. CT or CAT is a series of X-Ray photographs of brain taken from different angles. MRI us a technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce computer generated images of soft tissues. fMRI is a technique for revealing blood flow and therefore brain activity by comparing successive MRI scans. PET shows the flow of glucose in brain.
    Brain controls our actions and our actions determine our behaviour. This is how brain controls our behaviour.
    S Ayub

  13. EEG-Scan the brain for electrical wave. Worst scan for the brain because it shows the electrical waves and not the brain itself.
    CT-Uses X-ray to scan the brain. Shows a fuzzy picture because x-ray is meant to show bones and not tissue.
    PET Scan-Scans for where the glucose goes to in the brain. When the brain does something it requires some glucose. The glucose is radiated so it can be detected.
    MRI-Uses Electromagnetic waves to scan the brain. Can show the brain.
    FMRI-Best way to scan the brain. Shows where the blood flows to in the brain. Most expensive.
    The different types of information can help answer the question "how does biology shape behavior?" by showing how the brain impacts behavior. The scans can show what part of the brain control what behavior and what happens to behavior when a part of the brain is damaged.- TN

  14. EGG is recording of the brain waves of electrical activity. CT or CAT scan is a series of x-ray photographs of the brain taken from different angles. PET scan is a visual display of the brain activity that detects the presence of radiated glucose while the brain preforms given tasks. MRI is a technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce computer generated images of soft tissues. An fMRI is a technique for revealing blood flow and brain activity by comparing MRI scans. Biology is the science behind our brain and it helps us understand the chemical reactions and the way we act. Why we want things and need them. When the brain is damaged biology helps us understand why its damaged and usually how to fix it or cope with it. -LT

  15. EEG: is an electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity of the brain.

    CT: A CT scan, also called X-ray computed tomography or computerized axial tomography scan, makes use of computer-processed combinations of many X-ray images taken from different angles to produce cross-sectional images of specific areas of a scanned object, allowing the user to see inside the object without cutting.

    MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, or magnetic resonance tomography is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the body in both health and disease.

    fMRI: Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI (fMRI) is a functional neuroimaging procedure using MRI technology that measures brain activity by detecting associated changes in blood flow.

    The brain is a very complex system that biology helps us understand, Psychology is a gray science that doesn't focus on the depth in which biology can interpret and articulate the brain and how it works. behavior is often explain through the sciences in biology.

    N. L.
