Textbook Companion Website

Friday, March 25, 2016


Multiple Choice

Spearman’s g factor refers to __________.
Howard Gardner identified a total of __________ intelligences.
Robert Sternberg distinguished among analytical, practical, and __________ intelligence.
A test is reliable if __________.
A test has a high degree of validity if __________.
Personality is best defined as __________.
Freud emphasized that the ego operates on the __________ principle.
Freud emphasized that the id operates on the __________ principle.
According to Freud, the defense mechanism that underlies all others is __________.
Displacement refers to the process by which people __________.

Short Answer

1. Briefly explain how trait theorists develop and test theories such as the “Big Five” personality factors.

2. Although Susan is a brilliant pianist and highly acclaimed ballet dancer, her high school intelligence test scores were only average. What does Susan's experience suggest regarding (a) the nature of intelligence, and (b) the content validity of intelligence tests?

3. You have been hired by a large public school system to construct a musical aptitude test. Describe how you would standardize your test and assess its reliability and validity. Explain why it might be more difficult to develop a valid musical aptitude test than a reliable one.

4. Juan is the oldest son of Mexican parents who immigrated to the United States less than five years ago. Juan's high school teachers perceive him to be fairly intelligent, but his SAT scores are low, and he is having trouble getting into college. Juan's mother angrily claims that “intelligence tests are biased against Hispanics.” Juan's father sadly counters, “It's not the tests that are biased; it's American education that is biased.”

Carefully explain why you would agree or disagree with the comments made by each parent.

Friday, February 5, 2016


The Unit VIII Exam (A-B) is scheduled for next Thursday.  An exam preview will be posted by next Tuesday.  You should finish reading the unit by class on Tuesday if at all possible.

Stress: Portrait of a Killer

In case you didn't have a chance to answer all of the questions...